Collage of Nitō-ryū from a 1661 Denshō document




Learn the vital aspects of legitimate and authentic Miyamoto Musashi two-sword methods and techniques as taught by the late Ishida Hiroaki shihan (pictured right), featuring;

  • Key distinctions and contrast between Ittō and Nitō – basis, theory and practical application of use
  • Proper posture, foot and heel usage
  • Significance of the directional use of the knees and toes, and connection to hips and proper Koshi stability
  • Proper use of wrists, elbows and shoulders and the significance of the three ponds (dents) of Yōchi, Kyokuchi & Kenchi
  • Proper cutting and thrusting grips and the distinction between the tenouchi of Kirite (cutting hand) and Uchite (striking hand)
  • Essential kamae and pathways of the sword/s when using dual-swords
  • Offensive and defensive efficacy of the short sword and the long sword in ma-ai (distance) and de-ai (timing) within Kata
  • Explanation of the key differences in Musashi's middle-level guard position (chūdan) of Ensō-no-kamae (Niten Ichi-ryū), Enkyoku-no-kamae (Enmei-ryū) and Gasshō-no-kamae (Genshin Nitō Ichi-ryū Kenjutsu)
  • Logic behind Gasshō-no-kamae and waza of Taka-no-ha (Hawk's Wings), and the connection to Musashi's signature Jūjidome (X-shaped/Cross Block) method
  • Comparative analysis and breakdown of Niten Ichi-ryū's Chūdan Nitō Seihō (Kata) to illustrate the common basis and essence in both the Santō-ha and Noda-ha henka (variations), and the relationship to Owari Enmei-ryū's Roppon-me/Happon-me
  • Brief overview of the articles within Gorin-no-Sho that were/are considered Ōgi (secret techniques) within the Owari Enmei-ryū transmission, Chikuzen-den and Higo-den lines of Niten Ichi-ryū and other Ōgi transmitted as Kuden (oral transmission) outside of Gorin-no-Sho, such as Kunoji-uchi


You will be introduced to and taught the following;

Genshin Nitō Ichi-ryū Kenjutsu no Kiso: the first three (3) dual-sword foundational partnered singular movements

Uken (right sword) - Saken (left sword) - Uchikomi (strike into)

Genshin Nitō Ichi-ryū Kenjutsu no Togo: the paramount first and keystone Kata (pattern; sequence of movements) in Musashi's Gohō-no-tachimichi (Niten Ichi-ryū's Nitō Seihō)

Chūdan-no-kamae (middle-level guard/stance)


DATE: Nothing is currently scheduled at the moment. However, feel free to pre-register for a Seminar or potential 6-week Introductory Course by filling out the form below, and we'll add you to a notification list for the next event.

Payment Method: via PayPal (credit card/direct debit) as part of the full registration application form

Participation is limited to 5 registrants only to maintain the quality and integrity of instruction provided.

WHAT TO BRING: Loose comfortable clothing and your own Drink/Refreshments. If you already have a Hakama/Uwagi or other Dōgi feel free to wear it.

Please note: All Bokutō (wooden training swords) are provided. Suitable for persons (aged 18+) without disability, regardless of gender.


This condensed seminar format is the ideal setting to introduce a prospective trainee, with or without prior martial arts and/or weapons experience, to the Japanese Swordsmanship that is transmitted within our school, or to simply try out what we do without any commitment to ongoing training.

To obtain a URL, by e-mail, to the full Seminar Registration Application Form please complete the following request. Registrations close by 10am on the day of the Seminar or prior if full.


Kenjutsu Seminar Pre-registration
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* Confirm you're 18+ :

* How did you learn about the upcoming seminar : Announcement Website
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